Business at The White Hart
The White Hart Hotel is an ideal spot to do business away from the office. We offer free parking and free Wi-Fi, so why not enjoy a business get-together in one of our two versatile meeting rooms that can accommodate up to 30 delegates?
Day delegate and 24-hour delegate packages are available - we offer an inclusive package for delegates combining hire of the room, refreshments and our friendly service at exceptional value.
The White Hart Hotel can comfortably accommodate up to 30 guests. The following meeting types are available at this property:
Theatre: 30
Board Room: 15
Dinner: 15
Standing: 25
Customer Commitment
At Greene King Inns we are committed to ensuring your meeting or events run smoothly, so you can be fully focused on making your day as productive as you can. Nothing is too much trouble for your event and our aim is to deliver a consistent level of service every time!